Saturday, February 2, 2013

Thank Goodness for Company Class

I'm back in the land of the frigid north.

My 33-year-old dancing body doesn't warm up as well in Chicago as it did in Miami.  There's no way around that.  Yes, I know that's still young in human years, but dance-years are like dog-years: not as kind.  You try pirouetting into a jump that lands on top of your feet/shins in a cross-legged position and hops into side lunge after walking 5 blocks in -13 degree windchill.  It's a bit shocking.

Whatever.  My point is that once the actual winter hit (not this global-warming-induced bathwater we were calling December) it suddenly became a huge chore to get myself to any class outside of the one I teach twice a week and company class.  I am thoroughly convinced that all studio classes must suffer immensely when the cold hits, because I do.  If it weren't for company class, I'd be losing ankle-strength faster than I lose my willpower in the Warm Ups section on

If you're a dancer, you've been there.  You get a couple of weeks off for Christmas and before you know it, you can't releve on one foot any more (not to mention that putting on a leotard and tights is a little harrowing after all that eggnog).

So here's to company class!  You and I will always be best friends.  You have saved me from myself many a Christmas season, and may you continue to do so for many a year to come.  And I pledge, if I ever start my own company, I will arrange company class before every rehearsal.  Amen.

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