Saturday, January 5, 2013

New Years Day and letting go

Finally. After dancing for Wild Space Dance Company from 2005-2009, working and visiting out at Wild Space Farm, I made it to Deb Loewen's famous New Year's Day bonfire.

Dancers, neighbors, family and friends make the trek each year out to Wild Space Farm to eat, drink, be merry, and burn an ENORMOUS pile of wood. It's not just a pile of wood, however. Everyone is encouraged to bring something from the previous year that they want to purge from their existence. Hence the huge bonfire. It's simply the most cathartic experience I can imagine. Take something you'd rather not remember anymore and not just burn it, but obliviate it in a fire so huge that 3 people standing on each other's shoulders couldn't reach the top of the flames.

I wish I could've brought a lot more of 2012 to burn.

Even the bonfire itself makes me think about why we keep creating art. The firewood had been collected over a long period of time. She even puts the Christmas tree on top every year. Then it goes up over a series of hours one weekend to live on in the memories of those who were there. Just like our efforts in the studio burn brightly over a short weekend run.

Next year I'm going to bring a few costumes with me to the bonfire.

Wild Space Alumn and Deb (second to the right)

Deb, stoking the fire

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