Monday, December 10, 2012

The Buzz on Tere O'Connor and Deborah Hay

Here's the buzz today:
Alastair Macaulay has been bunching undies with his dance reviews at the New York Times for a bit now.  Here's the latest in undie-bunching.

D Foy's blog ranting about Macaulay and his own review of Hay's show

Macaulay's review of Hay

Macaulay's review of O'Connor

Tere O'Connor posted the following review from The New Yorker on his FB feed saying,
 "Wow, finally a review about my work that doesn't start from being perplexed! Thank you Andrew!!! 
I am so exhausted by some of these dilettante critics who have such an antagonistic relationship to any expanded idea of poetics in dance and 
continue to force their anachronistic value systems on the work- systems that many artists have clearly discarded years ago. Another thing to point out about Andrew's writing is that he asks questions about problem areas in works he has seen, choosing a sense of inquiry about artistic choices as opposed to defaulting to the incredibly toxic yet popular stance of pomposity and dismissiveness in the face of alternative choreographic authoring."

I love it when this happens because it teaches me even more about dance criticism.  Keep it up y'all.  It's more fun than TMZ and more educational than a MOOC.

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